Friday, August 14, 2015

Final Presentation and Last Day

Today was sadly the last day of our internship. We presented our final presentation to an audience of what looked like about thirty to forty people. I was a bit more nervous than yesterday but it still went very well. After, we all received a certificate of recognition and a letter of recommendation. It was so great to have this opportunity to participate in this internship and meet so many talented, extremely intelligent, and creative people. Even though it probably took about four weeks and a few group bonding activities to become comfortable with everyone, I was able to get to know everyone and all their unique personalities very well. The best part about this internship was the environment - as everyone was so knowledgeable about their project, and actually excited to learn and teach others. I really hope this internship continues and grows because it is one of the best summer experiences I've ever had. Thank you so much for accepting me, this was definitely an experience of a lifetime.

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